The Buffalo safety razor was made by a company called Larkin, established in the USA in 1875. The razor was sold under the marketing slogan 'Factory to Family' with a sub theme of 'Saves unnecessary Middleman's expense', I bet the barbers were queuing up in numbers to get this onto their shelves....
Not much of the razor is known, apart from the fact that we think it was called the buffalo as it could have been manufactured in their one factory in Buffalo. They did also produce/distribute straight razors, so they were not new entrants to the business of cutting stubble. This razor comes with two blades in cardboard pouches, hang on to them as you will need to sharpen these yourself, or more sensibly, modify blades available on the market today if you want to use this regularly.
At this stage we can offer no insights as to how it shaves, but if it stays available long enough we are certainly going to sharpen the blades and give it a whirl.
It stands 113 mm tall, and weighs 35 grams.