Stag, Rex and Klenzo were brands of brushes sold by the Rexall Drug store group, and the actual makers of the brushes themselves are not known to us. Made Rite also made similar brushes, tracking down information of vintage shaving brushes is quite difficult, but the appearance and materials always makes them easy to spot. This brush is very cool and would match that vintage Gillette Red Tip razor down to a T. We fitted the black and red handle with a 22 mm Finest two band knot, this is a worker-brush, rough, tough and ready to show the soap who is the boss.
The brush stands 110 mm tall, is 27 mm at the waist and is close to 33 mm at the top and bottom of the hourglass shape, it weighs in at 58 grams. The brush is filled with resin to add weight and structural strength.