The Hamburg ring Extra hollow straight razor (VR 54)

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The "Hamburg Ring" was a colloquial term adopted by numerous manufacturers in Solingen, Hamburg, and Sheffield that denoted the sound a full hollow ground singing razor made while popping whiskers. This model has no other markings to identify the maker, however, it does sport the 'Soligen Extra' stamp on the tang, and is quite a noisy shaver, so it does its heritage proud.

The razor's grind is half hollow with a cutting edge measuring 71 mm in length and a blade width of 5/8 's. The razor has a round point and weighs 38 grams, it is shave ready, but it does get touchy with the scales near the wedge, so close it carefully. This razor has seen little use and I only refreshed the existing bevel, the new owner may want to do a bit of a 'breadknife' on it and reset the bevel when it is time for the next sharpening session as the apex profile is not as uniform as it could be near the heel. The scales, pinning and blade looks close to new, and one does not come across them often in a great original condition.

We used one layer of insulation tape when we refreshed the edge.

*Vintage razors are priced according to model and availability, time spent cleaning and reconditioning and time/level of honing. Please enquire if you need additional work done to this razor prior to purchase. All straight razors will require a stropping on a leather strop before or after every use. Pics are unedited (detail) and provide a true image of the condition of the razor. 

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